Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day

Today is a day that half the world (well the world that actually acknowledges the holiday) hates and half the world loves. Today was for the most part just a normal day. My boyfriend went to work and I went to work. Luckily for me (well kinda) I got to come home at lunch and stay home the rest of the day. I only worked half a day today because I had a test! YAY! I procrastinated all week last week and all weekend and finally took half the day off today to study. I left work at noon and came home to make my boyfriend lunch. Of course today he ended up getting off for lunch later than usual so by the time he got here the food was cold.. very very cold. Oh well he ate it and said it was good! I think he was just glad he didn't have to cook. After we ate I we took a nap! Best day ever! After he left I studied like a crazy person.

Something I have also been working on the past few days is getting my printer hooked up to my new computer. P.S. if you have Windows 7 an old ass printer isn't going to work with it. After trying with no success to connect it with my computer I tried my boyfriends computer. His is compatible with it and it should work but for some reason it still did't. But when I actually tried to print it worked. I printed all my notes and my study guide.

Well.. back to my original story... I went into my room to print my notes for class today and my completed study guide and for some reason it doesn't work. The printer wasn't even available. SUCK! I have to get all of my stuff together to go to the business center and print everything. After this I am just praying that there is paper in the printer. After printing successfully I walked outside and my bus was leaving the stop. SUCK! Luckily for me there are two different buses that come near my apartments so I knew the other one would be coming shortly. Surprise Surprise Surprise it didn't come quick enough. I was late to class. My first class went by fast and my test in the second class literally took 15 minutes to complete. I can honestly say that was the EASIEST test I have ever taken in my entire life. weird. Luckily, (word of the day) when I got out of class my boyfriend was on his way home from work so he was able to pick me up. When I walked through the door of our apartment there were flowers and a very sweet card waiting for me. :) He had also gone to the trouble of getting all the ingredients to make BLT's! Yes, I know it is not the most glamorous meal ever, but I have been craving them for weeks. After we ate we went and got some frozen yogurt! As Fergie would say Delicious!

Anyways... The whole reason I wanted to write this post was about one the most interesting thing I saw today. You always here people talking about sewer rats. Especially on Aladdin where that turbanized guard is constantly putting Aladdin down. So today I saw sewer cats! I never thought I would see that. I mean you would think a cat would stay away from a place that usually contains large amounts of water. I was waiting for my boyfriend to pick me up I was watching this cat running away from these people. It was running along the curb and all of a sudden it just disappeared!

Here one minute...

Gone the next...

I know the pictures are bad but you get the point.