Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Freaking out!

Ok so I am pretty sure I am not going to survive April. It is not even officially here yet and I am freaking out! April is the culmination of all of my classes. Once April is done I can pretty much just stop going to school. I would much rather have a week full of tests than a month full of papers and presentations. The hell starts on the 11th. I have to do a 30 minute presentation over a 15 page paper that I haven't even started and that I don't even have a clue how to do. On the 11th I also have a Risk Audit due in which I have to tour to facilities and write a paper about the risk in each. That means I will probably have to take an ENTIRE DAY to find and tour these places. Then the hell continues to the 18th. I have to do another presentation on yet another paper that I have not started and a test which I have yet to study for. Finally on the 25th I have yet another paper that I need turn in and thank god it is for an online class so we do not have to do a presentation. I don't think my brain can handle all of this at once. I think over the next month I will have written over 50 pages for all of these ridiculous papers, made over 100 powerpoint slides for presentations, and finally I will have 4 facility tours under my belt. ugh.