Friday, October 8, 2010

On a happier note...

Yesterday morning before I ran my errands I got a call from a job that I applied for last week. They wanted to talk to me and ask a few more questions about me and make their final decision. I of course let them know that I was out of state but I would be more than happy to talk to them today (Friday) at any time. I got in my car later and they had called again to have that conversation. I missed the call and in California it is illegal to talk on the phone and drive so I wasn't about to call them back then. I knew that my flight wouldn't be home until late at night so I decided I would wake up and call them in the morning. I got home and went to bed without thinking about it again. As I mentioned before I decided to put my phone on silent so that nobody could wake me from my coma.  So this morning when I woke up I checked my phone and there was a missed call yet again from this company I interviewed with. I hate being late, so I considered these missed calls being late to talk to them three times! So I got up and the message asked for some references. I called and gave them the references and they said they would call me back. They called me back about an hour later to let me know I GOT THE JOB!!! I am now the (not so) proud owner of two part time jobs! Yippee!!!

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