Friday, October 8, 2010

The Tan

My friend is getting married and she asked my to be a brides maid. I was semi excited. I say semi because the wedding was very short notice and I had to completely change my schedule to be able to attend all of the events involved in weddings. Don't get me wrong I love my friend and I am more than happy to be involved, however I have a vacation that I take every year and it was going to cut it from a week long to only 3 days. While I was on the very short vacation I decided that I would get a spray tan so that all of my weird farmers tans would be covered so that it didn't look like I was wearing a shirt with my strapless dress. I did a lot of research and I asked my friends for all kinds of advice. The last thing I wanted was to come out of this looking like an oompa loompa. They gave me all types of advice including, don't wear tight clothes, don't sweat, don't let anything rub the tan off, and things of that nature. The morning of the tan I got up early and did all of the things I was advised to do before being tanned and headed off to do a few errands. Eventually I got to the spa, paid, and got all of the EXTENSIVE directions. They let me know that today it was buy one get one free! I told her I lived three states away and I didn't want it, but she just said, "they never expire!" So I just said, "OK see you next year!" Before I got in the machine I knew that my feet had gotten dirty before I got to the spa. I went into the restroom hoping (stupidly) that they would have a shower. No luck. So I washed my very dirty feet in the sink. By the time I was done I had been in there for awhile so I know the lady thought I was sick or something. I came out of the bathroom and got in the machine. In all of the movies that I have seen about Someone getting a spray tan they get in and it sprays them and gets it all in their mouth and eyes and they end up spitting and sputtering and orange out of the machine. So I tried to do all of the things the girl told me to do but I lost my balance and fell over and the machine didn't give me enough time to get in the position it wanted me to be in and oh god it was complicated. I got out and blow dried myself off and my very distinctive tan lines were still visible. They told me many times that I had to wait a long time before showering for the tan to develop so I told myself it was no big deal and it would be covered. I got redressed in my new no-rub clothing and headed to my rental car. I had to drive three hours to the airport in Las Vegas so I had a long trip ahead of me. While I drove I constantly was thinking about the damn tan and whether is was rubbing off. While I waited for the guy to check in my rental car I was worried that the tan was wearing off. Finally after all of my flights and all my worries I got home. I looked in the mirror and I looked almost exactly how I did when I got out of the machine. I went to bed worrying if the tan was going to wear off. I knew I waned to sleep well so I decided to put my phone on silent so that no one would bother me while I slept.

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