Saturday, November 13, 2010

Road of Confusion

Since my decision to change my major in September I have been on the search to figure out what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I first chose marriage and family therapy to no avail. They informed me that I would have to apply and then go into an interview pool. After an all day interview they may let 3 people into the program. BAHAHA that's not going to happen considering I don't have any background in it AT ALL! Next, after some counseling from my sister and mom I thought I would choose something a little more my speed. This time I chose to schedule a meeting with an adviser in the Nutrition department. She let me know that it would be possible to get into the program. First I would have to take innumerable classes and then apply. It just so happens that these classes I need are the second half of basic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Nutritional survey (or something like that). It is also only a coincidence that  each one of these are prerequisites of the next. That is 4 consecutive semesters that I would not be able to apply for the program. Ugh. That sucked not to mention that I barely got a C in the first half of basic Chemistry. On to plan C. I decided that I would try Occupational Therapy. I made and appointment and got my transcript. At this meeting the adviser again let me know that all I had to do was have a few classes and apply. The application closes in October and again in January. However, for this degree I only had to take statistics, physiology, psychology, abnormal psychology, developmental psychology, and sociology. This wasn't so bad because I had taken physiology classes before so that would be no problem, and the other classes didn't seem that bad. The only down side is that I wouldn't be able to start the 2 1/2 year program until Summer 2012. Not to mention I would need 40 hrs. of observation time. When it came time to register for next semester I got the classes I wanted and I was ready to get started on some classes. That same day I went to ask the adviser if one of my current classes could count for the statistics class. Registration was on Thursday and by Saturday I was really feeling down. I had found this amazing job that I wanted to apply for. It was a part-time job but it was a dream job of mine. Sadly after getting all excited I realized that the applications for my dream job were due the day before. Luckily my boyfriend convinced me to apply anyways. After working on the application I realized that I didn't want to be an occupational therapist. I don't know anything about occupational therapy. So I wined like a baby and confessed to my  boyfriend that I was extremely unhappy and that I wanted to go with Sports Management. Surprisingly he said sounds good. I asked my sister about it and she said, " I was wondering why you didn't choose that in the first place!"

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