Saturday, November 13, 2010

The journey

I filled out my application for my dream job, edited my resume and cover letter, and got a really nice folder to put it all together. I decided that if I showed up at 8am on Monday morning that there would really be no time lost between Friday at 5pm and Monday morning. I got ready for work drove there and went to open the door and saw that they wouldn't be open until 11! Seriously! What kind of place doesn't open until 11!  I went ahead to work and at lunch I drove by and dropped off my packet. I gave them my speech about why I was unable to turn it in on time (because I didnt know they even existed). After a small bit of contemplation and a swift browse through my packet he set me up with an interview on Thursday at 5:45.

After deciding now to peruse my degree in Sports Management I attempted to make an appointment with the adviser to see what kind of hoops I would have to jump through to get into the program. I called and the person who answered the phone informed me that I didn't need a meeting and that I could come by whenever EXCEPT when she is at lunch from 12-1. That really isn't convenient for me in any way because I have two jobs. I go to one job at 8 and leave at noonish. I have a 30 minute lunch to change and eat and make my way to my other job by 12 or 1 depending on the job.  As you can see her lunch and my only free time until after 5:00 overlap to my dismay. I think for a few days about how I am going to fit that little bit of extra time into my day. Luckily the pregnant girl I work with needed to come into work one day about an hour late so I had to stay. This led to me being late to my second job. I let my supervisor that I would be going to see my adviser since I was already going to be late. On Thursday the pregnant girl showed up 20 minutes earlier than I had planned. Since she was early I had to waste about 20 minutes before my adviser would be back from lunch. I slowly walked over to the offices and explored the building a little and got to her office about five til 1:00. The secretary informed me that she left about 15 minutes late so she should be back in 20 MINUTES!!! I was so annoyed because something like this would not have happened if that idiot boy I talked to would have let me make a meeting. Luckily I had time to work on my paper that was due that evening while I waited. Finally a little early she came back. As we talked it was really awkward because she had no chairs in front of her desk so I got to stand towering above her while she explained all of things I needed to do. Since I have a background in sports management she said, "You just have to apply to the graduate school, apply to the program, and fill out some paperwork." I responded with, "I am already in graduate school so there is no reason for me to fill out that application and fill out the paperwork." She realized that I wasn't a complete idiot and gave me the correct instructions and I was off. All I had to do is go over to the graduate school office and fill out one sheet of paper (Change of Concentration Form) and return home and email her my application. That was it. I had already dropped all of my useless undergrad classes and registered for Sports Management classes so there are no worries there. After the meeting I caught the bus and on my way home I got an email from my supervisor asking where I was. Boo...she forgot. When I got to work I reminded her about the meeting and the pregnant girl and she was fine. I worked for a few hours and then headed home to get ready for my interview. That's another story.

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