Saturday, November 13, 2010

Its been awhile...

but since I started the story I decided to finish it before updating. After we found the lost package I was really disappointed, but my supervisor was really sweet and she just said it was no big deal. After about an hour it was time for me to go to my next job. I showed up there and worked hard and like always I was nice to everyone, made conversation, and  at the end of the day a customer came and asked for a manager. I got my boss to come to the front of the store and the customer was complaining about one of my fellow co-workers being rude. I was surprised because the guy he was complaining about it actually really nice so I was confused. After their conversation was over I was prodding my boss for gossip about what the customer was saying and as he walked away he turned back and said, "oh a customer called the other day and complained about you."  I tried to get more information out of him but he said another manager had taken the call so he had no information for me. I instantly just thought about my day and racked my brain about who this person could have been. I thought about all of my interactions with sales people in the past and I have been treated pretty badly but I never left somewhere mad enough to call the store and complain about the employee. Its also one thing to say something before you leave the store. I think it totally crazy that this person went all the way home and was still stewing about how pissed I made them that they thought it was important to call and complain. So I started crying uncontrollably. Keep in mind here that I was still at the register and a customer came up in the middle of my sob fest. I of course attempted to dry it up and smile. He could see right through it. After he left I felt so stupid for crying about this in front of a customer and my boss. After that I sucked it up and apologized to my boss and everything was good. I went home for the weekend and I could not stop thinking about who this person was how was so mad at me? What did I do or say to make them so mad? I decided that when I went back to work on Tuesday I was going to talk to the manager who took the call and find out more information. I asked her on Tuesday and supposedly this lady came to buy a graduation gown and I ignored her or something. That triggered my memory. There was a lady that came and asked for a price list and I printed one especially for her and then had to move to the side while she looked at it. I continued to check out other customers and she left. In my mind when someone asks to look at prices they are going to compare  and then make a decision and I cant just let the 10 people in line behind her stand there while she contemplates. Apparently she was ready to buy right then and she thought I was ignoring her. Oh well I am over it.

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