Wednesday, November 17, 2010

If I could describe today I would say... Moldy bread.

The day started out weird. I should have known when I woke up this morning without my alarm. At 7:00 this morning I woke up and grabbed my phone to add an extra five minutes to my sleep time and I looked around and I was surprised because my alarm never went off. I of course went back to sleep because I am the type of person that sleeps every possible second I can get. When my alarm did go off I waited a few minuted before getting my day started. While I was getting ready I remembered that I forgot to call my grandma to wish her happy birthday the day before. I was really sad so I decided that I would call her when I was driving to work. I got ready grabbed breakfast and headed out into the bitter cold and 100 mile an hour winds. I talked to my grandma and she was happy to report she was having a full day of birthday festivities today as well so everything was good. Work was good and I was excited to report that on Thursday I would be able to work all day. (If you didn't know I have two jobs, one pays minimum wage and the other pays about 75 cents more. The one that pays less also involves me standing the whole time which of course completely sucks) I was also so excited because after today I would not have to go back to the sucky job for like over a week! I was so excited all day! After I got done with my shift at my first job I headed home for lunch and then off to my last shift and the sucky job for awhile! I wanted a sandwich and as my boyfriend started making my lunch I went to change clothes before eating. When I came in ready to eat I got the news that out last bit of bread is MOLDY! UGH! We are kind of out of food because of our week long trip that we have scheduled for next week so I had to settle for cereal. After eating I left the apartment at 11:50 which would give me more than enough time to walk to the bus stop, catch the bus, and get to work by 12. Luckily there were people at the bus stop which meant several things.

1. I didn't miss the bus.
2. There were enough people standing at the bus stop that the bus wouldnt just fly by without stopping.
3. Finally, I would make it to work on time for the first time in awhile.

Not too long after hiding in a corner behind a pole to avoid the wind the bus came. I was making good time and we crossed over onto university grounds and I was smiling. We stopped at the first stop and several people got on and several people got off. I was listening to my Ipod so I really wasn't paying any attention to how long we sat at this stop. Eventually I noticed people slowly getting off one by one. I looked around and saw that the bus driver was gone. This is a common occurrence on university buses here. I personally have not experienced this but I know that it is very common just by the amount of abandoned buses I see on campus. If you are wondering what is happening its actually pretty simple. Humans have to us the rest room at several points throughout the day. However, the bus drivers here don't bother telling bus riders that they are going anywhere or that they are even going to be stopped for a few minutes longer than usual. Therefore they leave the students stranded and late for class and work without telling anyone. So I decided to wait it out and hope he would come back quickly. Nope. I decided to walk. I speed walked across campus to work. By the time I actually go there the bus I was on was arriving. I didn't even save a minute by walking. I felt better though. Also, you guessed it I was late for work. None of these things dampened my mood however because this was my last shift for OVER A WEEK!!! Or so I thought. About half way through my shift the guy I switched with came and informed me that he was busy so we would have to switch. Now I get to work tomorrow. What a freaking bummer. I asked my boss what he thought and my boss said "oh well that is his fault." I really couldn't allow myself to force him to work instead of seeing an adviser about his classes for next semester. He also offered to pay me to work his shift so I knew he was desperate. For those of you who know how stingy I am, I was able to refuse to take his money. There were a few other minor disasters but other than the big sucky news it was an all around sucky day. A guy found a dollar on the floor (which I normally comb constantly because people leave all kinds of money behind.) and I let him keep it. Finally the day was over. All I had to do was count my drawer and go home. As I was leaving work I got noticed that while at work I missed a phone call. As you all know I am waiting for a very important phone call on Friday and the second I saw it was an Unknown Number my hopes flew sky high. I listened to the message and it was from MY DREAM JOB!!! They told me to call back and ask for Curtis or Keith. I called and surprisingly they were still open at 5:30 which was nice. The guy informed me that I WAS HIRED! There would be no second round of interviews, and they were hiring everyone they liked. "They liked me they really liked me!" This was awesome news. This means I can quit my sucky job and do something I enjoy for once. This small victory of the day threw a tiny wrench in my plans for next week. We have a meeting on Monday. The one thing that I was planning to avoid happened. I now have to drive 20 hours in a matter of 4 days. Boo. Don't get me wrong I am 100,000 percent happy and excited about this new development. Yay me!

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