Monday, November 15, 2010

Harry Potter Weekend is about to Arrive!!!

Lets me just start here by saying I am a Harry Potter freak. When I was 13 my grandmother gave me the first 3 books as a Christmas present. I thought it was weird that she signed them "have a nice life" but I know she meant well... I think. haha (Is it taboo to laugh at your own jokes?) Oh well before that I had never heard of these books and I hate to read so I was not interested in anyway. I was actually mad she gave me books. One random day I decided to read them and of course they were AMAZING! I read really slow and of course my older sister teased me constantly about reading these weird books. Eventually I convinced her to at least try reading one. She reads faster than anyone I could imagine and she was done with the first and second just waiting with baited breath for me to finish the third. As J.K. Rowling continued to pump out books as fast as I could read them I noticed that they slowly began to rise in popularity. Don't get me wrong I know I did not discover Harry Potter. When the Goblet of Fire came out I ran to Walmart to buy it and began reading as soon as I left the store. It took me months to finish it while my sister finished in less than a week. When the movies started being made my friends and I dressed up in Harry Potter t-shirts and the iconic glasses to see it for my birthday. The excitement continued book after book and movie after movie. When the Deathly Hallows was finally on the shelves reading it was so bitter sweet. I knew I would finally know the fate of Harry and all of his friend, but I also knew I would never be able to read any more stories about them.  Yes I know it is lame but I had spent so long reading and watching I felt like part of my childhood was over. Now at the end of this week the first part of the final book will be in theaters.  Once again I have that bitter sweet feeling. I am so excited to see the movie, but I wont be able to see it until practically a week after its preview. I know there are people out there who disagree with what the Harry Potter series represent or just think its stupid. I can honestly say I am a proud Harry Potter fan and I cannot wait to see this movie!

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