Tuesday, January 18, 2011

For those of you who still care...

Today I went to the doctor AGAIN and he suggested that I do nothing. I went from doing nothing to being medicated and sicker to doing nothing again. He said my tonsils looked inflamed but he wouldn't do anything. I was a little confused but at the same time I was glad he cared enough to not put me through all that again. He did mention having them removed... EEK! I really have never had a problem with my tonsils so I don't think that its necessary to have them removed on their first offense! I'm sort of attached to them... literally! Also, every single nurse in that office was sick! This is a freaking ear, nose and throat doctor and every single employee there is sick. They were all coughing and clearing their throats constantly. I swear if I get whatever kind of plague that has  taken that office I will be FURIOUS! Today I finally went to work. I was only there for half the day and the second I walked in the building my  boss came over the loud speaker and said "Ok, over achiever!" I was glad to be back. Especially because I have a GIGANTIC pile of mail that are about to swallow me whole!

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