Monday, January 24, 2011

HRH of Sanitizer!

Being sick sucks but I can guarantee that sounding like a man sucks worse! At work all day today I looked around at my poor coworkers knowing that my disease was going to spread like wildfire through each and every one of them. I really don't want to make anyone sick! I was the queen of hand sanitizer today! I cloroxed the phone after I used it every time, but I must admit it was really annoying trying to keep others healthy! So many times today people called and had no clue who I was. Several old men thought I was a guy.

At first I thought I was having and identity crisis. Then I realized its not me its everyone around me! Almost everyone I work with at my new job thinks that I am this girl named Emily. She seems like a really nice person but WE DON'T LOOK ALIKE AT ALL! The only things we really have in common are that we are girls, white, with brown hair. UGH! Anyways while I am at my other job people on the phone either think I am a guy or that I am the office manager. Her name is really similar to mine but she has a very deep southern accent so I don't know how we get confused. The on top of everything tons of people think I am my sister. At least 75% of the people we meet either think we are the same person or that we are twins. Neither of which is true! I wish I could just be me and not be confused as someone else! gez!

On a random note... The other day I complained about being an over-sharer... UH every single person that has a blog is a over-sharer! BAHAHAHA I feel better now.

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