Friday, January 21, 2011

Today is the day...

..that I face the gigantic pile of paperwork that had alluded me all month. It is a stack of over 300 single sheet assessments that I need to file. I am telling you this pile is larger than a brand new pack of paper. I have been hiding these things in my desk drawer for a over a month hoping they would disappear.

This is a picture of the file folder I use to organize them all alphabetically. I took a before just to show what kind of seriousness I am dealing with. At around 10:15 I got all of it out and started working to get all of them organized. It took forever and I tried to quit about 5000 times!

 Here it is about three hours later! The fun hasn't even begun! 

Yeah almost 4 inches! That is freaking ridiculous!  I couldn't believe how many there actually were I was in shack. At this point in the process I usually take out each section and alphabetize it as well. Next, after going through the whole file I then begin the actual filing process. These days are usually very long and by the time they are over my back is KILLING ME! Today I got lucky someone gave me something else to do :)! Thank you Sherry! Today I was spared multiple paper cuts, back spasms, and hours of labor. YAY! I will still have to do it next week but I will think about that later!

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