Sunday, January 23, 2011

My wishes have come true!

Last week my sweet sweet boyfriend made me brownies out of the blue. They were so delicious and I ate them all before the week was over. Around noon today I thought to myself, "Man I wish I had some more of those brownies!" The thought went away and I played some video games, watched some TV, and rearranged the closet. We had lunch and I started watching TV and the thought came back! I try not to eat crap like brownies but every now and then its really hard to "just say no". I was really disappointed because we didn't have anymore mix so there wasn't even an option. Then the miracle happened! A friend of mine texted and told me that her and her husband just pulled a batch of brownies out of the oven and they wanted my boyfriend and I to come over and help them finish them off!  I couldn't believe it! I instantly texted back asking when we should show up. I didn't think about being sick or what it would be like if I went somewhere. I just wanted brownies!!

Get him here!

Anyways... after my brownie haze wore off I asked my boyfriend if he wanted to go and he said, "Are you crazy you are sick! You sound like a man!" So needless to say we stayed home.

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