Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Life... the good... the bad... the UGLY!

They always say that good things come to good people. They also say good things come to those who wait. Well... today is one of those days that made me wonder. Am I a good person? I went to see my general practitioner on the 4th, while there she suggest that I see a specialist. She said that one of her staff members would find one and give me a referral.  Well today I finally got a call telling me that I needed to find the specialist and make the appointment myself. I called the first guy and his receptionist told me the first available appointment would be available on January 24th! I have had a sore throat since CHRISTMAS!!! I cant wait anymore! I decided I would call one of the 10 other doctors to see if maybe I could get something earlier. I called EVERY SINGLE ONE and the earliest I got from any of the was February 1st! After that I decided that January 24th really didn't look so bad after all! I called back and the lady said the most wonderful words I have ever heard!! "Oh, it looks like someone canceled for tomorrow!" I literally screamed "OH MY GOD ITS A MIRACLE!" Yes, I know this is a little over the top but I was really excited! I was on top of the world! The rest of the day went by well and I was nervous about my first class but I was excited to finally be doing something in which I was genuinely interested. Later in the day I began to wonder... Do good things really come to those who wait?? My sweet boyfriend dropped me off and as I walked into the building I realized that the side of the building said Exercise Science Center. I was supposed to be at the Sports Sciences Center... Are they the same? I asked a guy outside and he had no idea. I then went inside and asked the first person I ran into if I was in the right building and he said NO! I called my sweet boyfriend to come back and get me but my phone didn't work. I walked over to the kiosk and asked the lady inside where the Sports Science Center was and she let me know that is was across campus. Today it was around 20 degrees. Lets just say I moved here from a place that rarely gets cooler than 70. 20 is COLD! So I walked all the way across campus and by the time I got to class I was late, freezing, out of breath, and my nose was running uncontrollably. After was class was over I looked at my cell phone and saw that this lady I had been communicating (I use that term very loosely) with about my application to graduate school had replied my email. I had simply asked how the process was going and if there was a timeline on when I would find out if I had been accepted. This is what I received...

Smart Sister,

Your File is incomplete.. We are still missing your letter of intent and 3 recommendation letters for you. There has been some updates added to our graduate program process so you will need to go back to the website for any additional new information posted. It is your responsibility to keep up with your status in order to get all the required documents in. An email was sent to you as a reminder  in December. Since the first day of class has started, you will need to contact the graduate school and change your application status for another term.

Thank you!

What a jerk this lady is! I simply asked how the process was going and she responded with this! This was not at all what I expected to get back from her. This lady is one of those people that just gets under my skin. Half the stuff in the email is incorrect. I never received any email from her, I had been checking my status daily (a graduate school application isn't one of those things you and just forget about it), and she is the one who told me all the wrong information in the first place. Ugh! Anyways as you can see I got some really bad news. I waited three months to have her tell me my file was incomplete! Today good things definitely did not come to those who wait! The only small shining moment of today was that there is still a possibility that I am a good person. :)

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