Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Goodbye my dear friend.

When I was in senior in high school just before graduation my parents gave me a gift. A rather large gift which I would have to pay half. They wanted me to have a reliable vehicle to go to college. It was a single cab maroon Chevy Colorado. The first few weeks I had it I took it to school and while I was parked in the lot someone backed into the rear side panel and left a football size dent. I never got it fixed because it was barely noticeable. It was a very sad day and it was really annoying to have my brand new car dented. A few years later I was a summer camp and some dumb kid sat on my hood and buttons on his pants scratched my hood. A year later I ran and errand from camp in town and within the 5 minutes I was in Walgreen's someone had keyed my driver side door. It was about a foot long and really deep. It was in town where I had no enemies so I have no idea what happened. After having my truck for around 3 and a half years I decided for Christmas and my birthday I would ask for my dent and scratches to be repaired. I went and got a estimate and it would cost and UNBELIEVABLE 3000 bucks! That was wayyyy too much and I decided she could live with her beauty marks. Little did I know that only a few short months later I would be in a wreck. In October 2009 I got in a wreck in San Antonio. I hydroplaned in a puddle and ran into the side of another vehicle. My truck did a full turn and ended up facing the wrong way on the interstate. The police came and my truck was towed. My dad rushed down, saw the truck, and talked with the people at the repair place. The truck was totaled. He told me later that day that my truck wasn't even worth 4000 dollars at the time of the wreck. It took about week to decide whether to fix my truck or to just scrap it. My dad decided to fix it. After 2 months and 7000 dollars my truck was fixed and we were reunited. Ironically the dent and the key mark on the side of my truck were still their because all the damage was all on the other side of the truck. The wreck was really upsetting and it was hard to drive again. I was lucky because neither I or the other driver was hurt. A year went by and my truck and I moved to a new city. On December 29, 2010 I got into another accident. This time I wasn't so lucky. Again both the other driver and I were both fine. My truck is another story. I hit a 18 wheeler an the truck ran over the bed of my truck and then caused me to flip and eventually land back on the tires. It was definitely totaled this time. We had it towed to the local wrecking yard. My dad came and talked to the owner and he sold my truck for $150. It was so sad to see my truck that I had worked hard to pay for and that I owned be sold for that small amount of money. To me that truck was priceless.

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